Kids Activities near Rockhampton
We are located 35ks away from Rockhampton
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Something For All Ages
Your holiday at Island View Caravan Park in Kinka Beach can be as action-packed or as relaxed as you choose! Upon arrival at the park, you will receive a Children’s Activities Calendar detailing the week’s activities.
We have a great selection of children’s activities on-site. During the school holidays, we add to this selection with additional activities such as arts and crafts, balloon modelling, cake making and more. In addition, we will run season-specific activities, such as Easter egg hunts.
Island View Caravan Park in Kinka Beach is the spot families visit from Rockhampton, Emu Park, Yeppoon and all over the Capricorn Coast.
Please note: there may be a small charge for some of these activities.
Fun in the Sun
As well as activities which we put on specifically for kids, our park has a large number of attractions which children can enjoy at any time of year. Children of all ages love animals, and our site has plenty! As well as our ponies, chickens and aviary, we are also lucky enough to play host to dozens of wild animals and birds. From peacocks and bush turkeys through to emus and even the occasional kangaroo! Your children can enjoy and appreciate wildlife in its natural habitat.
Pool & Children’s Playground
Tiring kids out is often the best way to ensure a good night’s sleep. If you’ve got lively children who love physical activity, a dip in our family pool or playing on the playground could be the perfect solution. These activities are available all year round and are included in the price of your stay.
Family Games
Fancy a game of cricket? What about a quick game of frisbee? We have generous amounts of lawn space on-site, which means it’s easy to enjoy some family games or sports. It’s wonderful how much fun children can have with a ball or a kite.
Family-Friendly Holiday Activities
Our site is on the beautiful Capricorn Coast, which means that if your children love beach holidays, we’ve got it covered! A great location for water sports, swimming, beach games and boating, our beautiful beach is also ideal for fishing. With a range of child-friendly attractions just a short drive away, our experience is that keeping the children amused is easy and affordable.
Upcoming Activities
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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! As a family-owned and operated business, our goal is to provide families with a holiday environment that’s specifically catered to their needs. We welcome families of all ages.
Children remain the responsibility of their parents or carers at all times whilst they are on-site.
For activities that require materials (for example cooking), a small charge will be levied to cover the cost. Where possible, we aim to keep activities FREE or as reasonably priced as possible.